Sunday, August 1, 2010

Effective Carport

Because of limited land currently houses the existence of small and minimalist increasingly mushrooming in various parts of the city. This makes the home owners should look for resourceful and creative later set house layout, to keep it looking beautiful and comfortable, On the other side for those of you who have vehicles, the existence of the garage of course quite necessary. However, due to limited land is blocked, so the carport into a practical solution to park vehicles in your own residential land Not just to park your car, but this area can also be a place when you should wash your car, even when they want to fix a car engine, carport into a practical place to conduct this activity. Carport existence is actually created by an architect in the United States. Frank Lloyd Wright. In 1936, Frank uses this area in the architecture design, The reason Wright created the carport at the time, because the car has a toughness machine, so that he need not have a cage like a horse. Moreover, the presence of these areas will cut the budget and design a house is more practical. Therefore, before making the carport would recommend that you estimate the cost in accordance with your budget, for example, when purchasing materials budget is spent consuming enough you can use a simpler construction. Then choose a coarse-textured material to prevent slippery or slip, the material in use can be a stone temple, brushing stones, pebbles, or coarse-textured ceramic, with due regard to the direction of waste water. This material selection can dikreasikan according to your taste. Want a traditional concept with modern or conventional materials made from synthetic materials. And should avoid use of materials that can also create stagnant water such as natural stone that has cerug in so the water is difficult to flow. So for that when designing the carport. You can discard the slope of the floor about 3 percent (1:35 degrees) which features a small ditch with a similar slope. Next, you can re-create when designing the shape and structure of the carport roof, which must choose the appropriate roof construction and having a safety and structural strength. You should also consider the height of the roof carport, must not exceed the height of your high-floor residential buildings because it would interfere with aesthetics. To complete the carport structure you plan to install guttering. Note the location carefully to avoid rain falling to make a dirty floor terrace.

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